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Beginner Track - Answers Page 1

Question 1 answer: The third scale degree, relative to the tonic, is different between clip A and clip B.

Example 1

Example 2

Question 2 answer: Clip C is the same jins as Clip A; Clip D is the same as Clip B

Question 3 answer: The 3rd scale degree is higher in Clip C than in Clip D (and higher in Clip A than Clip B).

Example 3

Question 4 answer: Clip F is the same jins as Clip A and Clip C (Clip E is the same as Clip B and Clip D)

Question 5 answer: No correct or incorrect answer here, regarding mood, which is somewhat subjective. To me, the jins represented in Clips B, D, & E is sadder, more plaintive, while the jins represented in Clips A, C, & F is bolder and more outgoing.

Example 4

Questions 6 & 7 answers: Clip H represents the same jins as Clips B, D, & E (while Clip G is new).

Questions 8 & 9 answers: The 2nd scale degree differs between the two clips, and it is higher in Clip H than Clip G

Question 10 answer: Again, this is more subjective. In this case, I find the jins of Clip G to be more intense and assertive, while the jins of Clip H is more gentle and relaxed (this is the same jins as Clips B D & E, which I described as sadder and more plaintive in those cases--but we could say it's all about context).

Once your ears are able to distinguish among different ajnas, and hear the changes and transitions, the next step is being able to identify them. There are three ways to distinguish and identify ajnas: 1. by mood (although it's more subjective, moods are definitely distinguishable, even if not everybody would make the same mood association), 2. by melody, and 3. by interval differences (when we ask about which scale degree is higher or lower in comparing ajnas).

In the examples we've heard so far, there have been 3 different ajnas: Jins 1 (Clips A, C, & F), Jins 2 (Clips B, D, E & H), and Jins 3 (Clip G). Question 11: Can you identify these three by name? Listen to the examples of different ajnas in Section I: Basic Ajnas, and identify which is which:

Jins 1:

Jins 2:

Jins 3:

For the answer, go to Answers page 2

Theory Track >> ^ Beginner Track ^