From Adhan in Maqam Hijaz:
prominent note a step below tonic
Zeina Zeina:
melody uses both step below tonic, and up to 6
Harramt Ahibbak:
descending from flat 6
Aruh Li Meen:
2nd verse--long passage in Rast
prominent Hijaz of 2nd verse => Maqam Suznak
Hayrana Leh:
stretches from 3 up to 9
Ghannili Shwayya:
phrase endings on 4, but tonic still 5
I'm told old man's voice is Zakaria Ahmed
again, melodic inclusion of 4
Gameel Gamaal:
note under Hijaz tonic distinguishes it from Hijazkar
Lissa Fakir:
emphasis on 5, Hijaz
18-21 could be grouped together as Hijaz 5
Muwashshah "Hibbi Da3ani lil-Wisaal":
melody stretches from 3 up to 8
Mihtaar Ya Naas:
start of lazima before verse
Muwashshah "Jadaka-l-Ghaithu":